Testing patterns with Jest + Enzyme

Testing action creators

it('should create an action to fetch movies', () => {
    const expectedAction = {
        type: constants.FETCH_MOVIES_REQUEST

Testing reducers

Call reducer with previous state and your action, compare expected vs actual output

it('should handle ADD_SAVED_PRODUCT action', () => {
    const addProductAction = {
        type: ADD_SAVED_PRODUCT,
        productId: "2"
    expect(searchReducer(initialState, addProductAction)).toEqual({
        "savedProducts": [
                "name": "Product2",
                "id": "2",

Testing multiple action dispatch flows

  • Create iterable array of action objects, ordered as desired
  • Iterate through, dispatching them
  • Test expected vs actual state after all actions

Test initial state

Retrieve initial state via store.getState() before dispatching any actions