Render multiple elements without wrapping them:
- Function and class components can return an array of elements and can be included inside other components
- Can also create a proxy function which takes props and returns props.children, then wrap elements in this, removing the need for the array
Render text-only components
- Return just plain text from components, no need to wrap them in containing elements any more
Using portals (mostly for modals)
ReactDom.ceatePortal(new subtree, target container)
- Can use this to render elements outside of the current DOM/component tree
- Handy for modals/overlays
Define DOM attributes
- Can now add custom attributes
- Needs a string, object or number (all converted to string)
- Will NOT take a bool, function or symbol
Call setState with null to avoid triggering an update
- Return null inside a setState to avoid an update
or <></>
as sugar, avoids creating unnecessary containing divs
Create Dom References
- Use React.createRef();
- Pass this reference to an element in render, and to other libraries wanting a node ref
- Useful for d3.js
- getDerivedStateFromProps(nextProps, prevState)
- called on first mount and when receiving new props
- Use this to return mutated state conditionally
Capture values using getSnapshotBeforeUpdate
- getSnapshotBeforeUpdate(prevProps, prevState)
- Use this to get a snapshot of the component state BEFORE it updates
- Snapshot is accessible in componentDidUpdate as 3rd parameter
- Example usage: chat app, check scroll position on update, if at the bottom then update scroll position to stay there, else do nothing