Convenient sugar for creating new variables by extracting values from objects.

Standard usage

Allows for destructuring objects on one line, very concise and convenient.

Let’s consider the following object for all the samples:

const person = {
  firstName: "Nick",
  lastName: "Anderson",
  age: 35,
  sex: "M"

Without destructuring

const first = person.firstName;
const age = person.age;
const city = || "Paris";

With destructuring

const { firstName: first, age, city = "Paris" } = person; // That's it !

console.log(age) // 35 -- A new variable age is created and is equal to person.age
console.log(first) // "Nick" -- A new variable first is created and is equal to person.firstName
console.log(firstName) // ReferenceError -- person.firstName exists BUT the new variable created is named first
console.log(city) // "Paris" -- A new variable city is created and since is undefined, it uses the default value provided, "Paris"

Function parameters

Without destructuring

function joinFirstLastName(person) {
  const firstName = person.firstName;
  const lastName = person.lastName;
  return firstName + '-' + lastName;

joinFirstLastName(person); // "Nick-Anderson"

With destructuring

In destructuring the object parameter person, we get a more concise function:

const joinFirstLastName = ({ firstName, lastName }) => firstName + '-' + lastName;
